
Friday, May 29, 2020

Transformers TCG wave 5

TitanMasters Attack!
Check out our latest cracking packs where we open an entire booster box of the latest wave from the Transformers Trading Card Game.
Preview copy provided by Hasbro and Wizards of the Coast.

Monday, May 25, 2020

Wizkids Transformers Miniatures

Hey everyone in these interesting times we know people are looking for things to do. One of the things I occasionally dabble in is painting miniatures for my games. As our listeners may have picked up on I'm also a huge Transformers fan so naturally I was stoked when Wizkids had announced they would be releasing a line of preprimed transformers miniatures.

Here is our first look at wave one.
 Recently I put some time in on Megatron. My favorite sculpt from the set. Please enjoy.

And rather then go for Starscream here is my take on Thundercracker!